Opening hours

Practical information
Opening hours calendar

No two days are the same in Toverland

Do you already know which day you want to visit Toverland or are you still working on your plans? Take a quick look at the opening hours calendar below to see what you can look forward to on your selected day.

Laat je betoveren door onze 6 werelden

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Take a look around

View map

Take a look at our map online now, so you will soon know how to find everything easily by heart.

6 worlds
Dwervelwind drone afstand
Discover them all

Different themes

In our 6 completely different worlds, you will discover splashing water attractions as well as exciting roller coasters! 

Smouldering Raost gezin terras
Start your day prepared

Plan your meals

Juicy burgers, fresh salads and delicious juices. Your mouth will water at Toverland.