Troy lifthill

Troy Coaster Challenge

Will you take on the challenge?
Wereldrand Ithaka
Troy coasterchallenge drop
Will you take on the challenge?

24 hours of battling for charity

24th of May 12:00 till 25th of May 12:00

Back, bigger and better then ever: the Troy Coaster Challenge! On the 24th and the 25th of May wooden coaster Troy will run for 24 hours uninterrupted for charity. We challenge 24 foolishly brave individuals to board their chariot and collect money for Stichting Jade.

Jade foto
Stichting Jade

Creation of moments to unwind

Together we battle for Stichting Jade. Jade Kops was 14 when she was diagnosed with cancer. Even though she is incurably sick, she remains positive and together with her family founded Stichting Jade. In Villa Jade they receive kindred souls that can escape reality for a moment.

Troy coasterchallenge rit
Sign up till the 24th of March

Become one of the 24 warriors

Will you dare attempt this? Then sign up, and board the ride of your life! If you think that 24 hours is a little to long but do you still want to contribute? Then we organize many more opportunities to raise money.

Troy coasterchallenge drop
Troy troypaard
Troy paard
Troy onride moeder
Troy lifthill
Fighting for a good cause

Also step in or support yourself in your own way

Stichting Jade helps provide families a time without worry and unwinding. Day to day we at Toverland work hard to provide magical happiness moments, this is what connects us.

Support the foundation
The goal of the Troy Coaster Challenge 2025 is to raise enough money to cover the costs for all families staying at Villa Jade. This way, Stichting Jade can better focus itself to help even more families. And now you can chip in as well, because, even if you don’t participate you can still support the foundation.

Sign in or support in your own way

Troy coasterchallenge kandidaten
Buy a timeslot

Ride alongside a contestant

Ride even after closing time, in the middle of the night, for one hour alongside the challengers. This way you can cheer them on even better!

- More information will follow

Jade uitwaaien
Not entering, still supporting

Be generous, give to the less fortunate

Do you also want to support Stichting Jade and help them with all the unwind moments they provide? Do a donation yourself.

Troy hele karretje
Highest, fastest, and longest of the Benelux

This is your sensational battleground: Rollercoaster Troy

At Toverland you cannot ignore wooden rollercoaster Troy. The gigantic silhouette causing the coaster to be unmissable from the park. The wooden giant stands at a total height of 35 meters and reaches a whopping 90 kilometers an hour through the turns. The track length is in total 1077 meters, which makes the coaster not only the highest and fastest wooden coaster in the Benelux but also the longest. A record we at Toverland are very proud of!

Watch aftermovie 2022

Troy coasterchallenge podium
Troy coasterchallenge cheque
Earlier editions

Not the first time

We are organizing the Troy Coaster Challenge for the third time in a row. This time promises to be the grandest variant till now. In 2022 12 challengers battled for Stichting Durf te vragen. Where nearly 358 laps were done. In total, we raised €32.658 euro. Earlier the challenge was organized for Stichting Heppie and Stichting Doe een Wens.

Asks & Questions

Enrolement process: how it works

When you enroll to be one challengers for the 24 hours troy Coaster Challenge you are in the race to become one of 24 participants.

After the first selection 48 challengers will be invited to a test night that will take place on Thursday the 24th of April where contestants can experience multiple rides in rollercoaster Troy. The participants will also be briefed on all the details of the challenge and about the how the 24th and 25th of May will proceed. Eventually, from this pool the eventual participants will be chosen.

Participation: how many breaks do you get during the Troy Coaster Challenge?

Every hour, participants will have a 5-minute break for a toilet visit, a drink, and a quick snack. Every 6 hours, there will be a 30-minute break for a more substantial meal.

Participation: Are medical staff present?

The well-being of our participants and staff is, of course, our top priority. To ensure this, several first aiders will be present, constantly monitoring all participants. The main motto is: taking part is more important than completing it, so there is ample room for participants to express their needs.

Donating: How can I support Stichting Jade?

There are several ways to support Stichting Jade:

  • Buy one of the rides after closing time
    This allows you to ride for an additional 55 minutes with the participants, offering them some moral support.
  • Make a donation yourself
    You can make a donation to Stichting Jade, even when purchasing a ticket for Toverland.
Attraction: is Troy open during the Troy Coaster Challenge?

When we use Troy for the Troy Coaster Challenge on May 24th and 25th, it's still possible to visit the ride. This is because we will be running with two roller coaster trains.

After park closing, it's also possible to ride alongside one of the participants. The donation you make will go entirely to the good cause, Stichting Jade.