Centuries ago, Greek heroes went to war in their battle of Troy. To overcome the city, they devised a ruse: they hid in a huge wooden horse and penetrated the gates. Now the warriors have descended on Toverland, where they once again mark out their domain with gigantic wooden vaults. A place where heroes brave their greatest fears and with all their might fight for victory.
Need a moment to recover from all the adrenaline? Best to do it with soft-serve ice cream, a cup of coffee or a delicious pastry! Afterwards, you’ll be ready to gallop through Ithaka again!
Souvenir shop
Would you like to take home your heroic memory? Right after your ride in Troy, walk into this souvenir shop! Have you already spotted a new treasure?
Magical moment
Trojan horse
Photo point
You remember the Trojan horse from history books. Here he is right in front of you! Test your muscle and take the ultimate Instagram photo.
Every world is different
Continue to be amazed
Get into a summer mood in Port Laguna or experience the legendary Avalon, where you step into the world of Merlin!